
Flowers in a vase will last a long time thanks to alcohol and vinegar: how to use a life hack

Bylim Olena

Flowers in a vase will last a long time thanks to alcohol and vinegar: how to use a life hack
Flowers in a vase. Source: pexels.com

Fresh flowers at home are always nice. They bring joy and a festive atmosphere. But, unfortunately, their beauty is short-lived.

To extend the life of a bouquet, you should follow a few simple tips, writes SantePlusMag.

1. Do not place flowers next to fruit

Fruit produces ethylene, a gas that accelerates the wilting of flowers. Therefore, do not place a bouquet next to a vase of fruit, especially bananas, pears, and apples.

2. Add vinegar and sugar

This simple trick will help extend the life of flowers for several days. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of sugar in clean water in a vase. Remember to change the water daily.

3. Use distilled water

Tap water can contain chlorine and fluoride, which are harmful to flowers. Therefore, it is better to use distilled water for bouquets.

4. Add alcohol

Alcohol has antibacterial properties that help prevent flowers from rotting. Add a few drops of vodka or other clear alcoholic beverage to the water in the vase.

5. Change the water daily

Flowers drink water, so it is important to change it daily. When doing so, remove any faded flowers and leaves from the vase.

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