Refreshes and helps normalize digestion: why you should drink tea with sugar

Many people believe that it is not necessary to add sugar to tea. They believe that this drink is already well-toned and low in calories.
However, some nutritionists and tea tasters (professional tea tasters) claim that tea with sugar has several important, albeit unobvious, benefits.
TSN writes about this.
Why is it good to drink tea with sugar? If you make sweet tea, it can cheer you up. Due to the increase in blood glucose levels, you will not feel weak or dizzy.
It is also important to note that sugar improves the flavor and aroma of strongly brewed tea. In many varieties, especially those that contain a large amount of tannins, sugar smooths out the bitterness. For example, it is particularly effective for Indian Assam tea, milk oolong, and fruit mixes.
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In addition, tea with sugar and milk is recommended after poisoning as it perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and helps to normalize digestion. Fresh black tea with sugar also helps to quickly overcome stress and improve cardiovascular health.
As a reminder, we have already written about what types of tea are harmful to health.
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