Best friends: which dogs get along well with cats

Creating a harmonious atmosphere in a home where cats and dogs coexist peacefully requires a careful selection of four-legged companions. Although much depends on the individual characteristics of each animal, certain dog breeds demonstrate an innate ability to tolerate cats and other pets.
While serving as loyal family guards, these dogs are also friendly to other furry family members. Other breeds bred to work in close packs are also friendly to a variety of furry family members. So, if you want to create an idyllic union between cats and dogs, you should focus on such breeds. UNIAN writes about it.
The best cat-friendly dogs include:
Labrador retriever is a playful, obedient, and affectionate breed that easily accepts cats as new friends. Patient and intelligent, it is ready to put up with the most demanding cat's temper and share its space without objection.
Beagle – although a hunting dog, the Beagle was bred for teamwork, so it gets along well with other animals. At home, this docile breed will gladly join even the most grumpy cat.
The Basset Hound is a calm and patient companion who rarely shows aggression toward cats. Its slow movement and leisurely lifestyle make it an ideal companion for cats.
Bulldog – despite its formidable appearance, this breed is characterized by friendliness and respect for all creatures. Cats appreciate their gentle disposition, which is hidden behind a strong physique.
The Golden Retriever is playful, but at the same time sociable and adaptable, and makes a great friend for cats. He is able to spread his love for his owner to other pets.
The Papillon is a small, friendly breed, about the same size as a cat. Its cheerful disposition makes it a welcome participant in all family fun with cats.
By choosing a suitable dog breed, you can create a cozy home where peace and harmony will reign between different furry inhabitants, and each of them will receive the necessary care and attention.
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