You can save the situation: What to do if you spill red wine on a light carpet

Red wine is a delicious drink, but its stains can be very stubborn and difficult to remove. If you spill red wine on your sofa or carpet, don't panic. There are several ways to remove the stain quickly and effectively.
Which method to choose to remove a red wine stain depends on the size and age of the stain. For fresh stains, you can use any of these methods. For old stains, it is best to use the vinegar and iron method, writes.
The sooner you start removing a red wine stain, the easier it will be. Do not use hot water to remove red wine stains. It can damage the fabric. If you are not sure which method to choose, it is better to contact a professional.
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Method #1: vinegar and iron
This method is one of the most effective for removing red wine stains. It is based on the fact that the heat of the iron transfers the stain to the towel.
To remove a red wine stain with vinegar and iron, follow these steps:
- Mix one part white vinegar with three parts warm water.
- Pour the mixture over the stain and cover with a clean towel.
- Iron the towel with a heated iron until the stain is transferred to the towel.
Why does it work?
As you iron, the heat of the iron dissolves the red wine stain and transfers it to the towel. The longer you iron, the more clearly you will see the red mark.
What is important to consider?
- Do not turn on the steam on the iron - this will just make the stain wet. Do it the old-fashioned way: turn the iron on to maximum.
- If the stain still leaves a pink mark, you can use hydrogen peroxide. It works like a bleach and visibly lightens stains.
Method #2: salt
This method is also effective for removing red wine stains. Salt draws in the liquid from the stain, which helps to remove it.
To remove a red wine stain with salt, follow these steps:
- Sprinkle a large amount of salt on the stain.
- Leave the salt on for 20 minutes.
- When the salt turns pink, vacuum it up with a vacuum cleaner.
Method #3: Hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing detergent
This method is also effective for removing red wine stains. The hydrogen peroxide dissolves the stain, and the dishwashing detergent helps it to go away.
To remove a red wine stain with hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing detergent, follow these steps:
- Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing detergent.
- Apply the mixture to the stain.
- Leave the mixture on for a couple of minutes.
- Spray with water from a spray bottle and blot (do not rub) with a clean towel).
We have already told you how to properly wash your collar and cuffs to make them look perfect.
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