Preserve youthfulness: when to wake up to slow down aging

There are many methods to slow down the aging process, including cosmetic procedures, plastic surgery, and home care. However, there is a simple and effective way to reduce the effects of aging on the body without spending money on expensive procedures. To make others marvel at your youth and beauty, follow these tips.
TSN writes about it.
One of the key conditions for maintaining good health and appearance is quality sleep. Kumkum Mishra, a general practitioner and aesthetic medicine doctor, says that healthy sleep can significantly slow down the aging process. Thus, the expert recommends waking up between five and seven in the morning to achieve the maximum effect.
Every person's biological clock is different, but from 19 to 94 years old, it is recommended to sleep six to eight hours a day. The expert notes that sleep quality and body recovery are significantly affected by a regular sleep schedule, for example, waking up at 5-7 am and going to bed between 9-11 pm. This sleeping pattern helps you stay younger for longer.
The expert also recommends certain approaches to falling asleep to avoid sleep problems. It is important to train the brain to perceive the bed as a place to sleep. If you can't fall asleep within 15 minutes, it is recommended to get up and do something until you feel sleepy to associate the bed with quality sleep.
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