How much sugar should you eat a day to avoid harming your body

Sugar is a very tasty and quick source of energy. However, recently, people have become more careful about their sugar intake and the amount of carbohydrates in their diet.
Popular diets recommend limiting sugar, but not all sugars are the same. Many foods contain natural sugar: fructose in fruits or lactose in dairy products. This is what Chas Diy writes about.
Added sugars get into the food during processing or cooking, for example, when adding honey to porridge.
According to Health, excessive sugar consumption is associated with diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and tooth decay.
Recommended daily allowance
There are no clear standards for natural sugars. However, there are certain recommendations for added sugars. In particular, the American Heart Association advises adults to limit them to 6-9 teaspoons per day (about 30 grams). For children, the standards are even lower.
The difference between natural and added sugar
Although the body absorbs all sugars equally, there are some differences. Natural sugars in fruits, vegetables, and other foods contain complex carbohydrates and fiber. Table sugar and sweeteners, on the other hand, are simple carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed.
The dangers of too much sugar
Too much sugar can lead to obesity, which is associated with heart disease, sleep apnea, cancer, tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, and more.
Foods with high sugar content:
- Soft drinks and fruit drinks, coffee, tea
- Candy, desserts, other sweets
- Sandwiches.
- Breakfast cereals and bars
- Yogurts with additives
So, you should be more careful about the amount and sources of sugar in your diet.
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