Make your own moisture absorber to prevent mold: instructions

Houses and apartments often have a humidity problem that not only spoils the aesthetics of the premises but can also affect the health of their inhabitants, causing allergies and respiratory diseases.
Mold that appears in high humidity conditions becomes not only a cosmetic problem but also potentially dangerous to walls and health. Fortunately, there are methods to combat this unpleasant phenomenon, writes santeplusmag.
Experts recommend making your own dehumidifier to help fight moisture and mold in your home. This method is effective and easy to make.
One of the key ingredients for making a dehumidifier is salt. Table salt or pink Himalayan salt is known for its moisture absorption properties. It can be used as an effective tool to combat moisture in the air.
To create a dehumidifier, you will need an empty plastic bottle. Remove the cap and cover it with a piece of cloth to create a funnel. Pour coarse salt into the funnel and place it upside down in the bottle. The salt will attract moisture from the air, helping to dehumidify the room.
This homemade dehumidifier can be used to dehumidify rooms of approximately 25 square meters. Regular use of this method will help to avoid mold growth and create a healthy and comfortable living environment.
Although this method can be useful in dealing with moisture, it is also important to address the structural problems that cause moisture to form to completely get rid of the problem.
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