The easiest way to get rich by drawing: what neurographics is and how it attracts money

Neurographic art is a form of therapy that is gaining popularity due to its positive effects on mental health.
Neurographic art is a technique that involves drawing freeform lines or "neural lines". These lines are designed to establish a connection between the conscious and unconscious, gaining access to the inner self through a specific algorithm or method, VanVaf writes.
The algorithm used in neurographic art consists of the following simple steps:
A black colored felt-tip marker on a piece of paper is used to draw a long line, similar to a curve, that should go upward. The lines should go all the way to the end of the page or merge with other lines on the paper, but not stop inside.
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Wherever there are intersecting lines with sharp corners, fill them with color to make them more rounded. Add perpendicular lines stretching to the edges and rounding all new corners.
On top of the lines draw geometric shapes. These are usually circles or squares. The corners of the squares should be rounded.
After that, all the closed drawn figures that came out of the drawing should be painted, mixing and matching all sorts of combinations that may seem interesting to you.
When you finish your drawing, you will have a piece of art that will encourage your energy to "flow completely free and unplanned, allowing your feelings and unconscious thoughts to travel and express themselves freely."
Neurographic art has a number of positive effects on mental health, including:
- Reduction of stress and anxiety
- Improved concentration and attention span
- Increased creativity and self-awareness
- Reducing depression and anxiety
This art form can also be beneficial to people struggling with chronic pain. Studies have shown that neurographic art can help reduce pain and improve the quality of life for people with chronic pain.
Neurographic art is a simple but effective art form that can provide many mental health benefits. If you are looking for a way to improve your mental health, neurographic art may be a good option for you.
Neurographics can also be channelized to bring wealth into your life. To do this, you need to take a blank piece of paper and place a coin. Take a black colored pencil or felt-tip pen and "push" the coin up the sheet with it, forming a wavy line. Draw several lines with the coin. Then over them draw circles by hand. You should draw large and medium-sized circles. Wherever the lines have formed corners at the junctions of the lines, they should be rounded. Paint all the closed lines inside with different colors. On top of the painted picture to attract money draw gold or silver markers coins and inside draw money signs. Such should be placed in a place where you often go and will be able to look at your drawing. At the same time, it is desirable to think about the cherished wealth.
Experts advise: if you want to try neurographic art, use simple paper and felt-tip pens or pens. Do not try to create a perfect drawing. Just allow yourself to draw spontaneously.
If you feel blocked, try to focus on a particular feeling you are experiencing.
Don't be afraid to experiment with different colors and shapes.
Recall, we have already written what omens about money really work.
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