
Easy ways to remove tar from white or colored clothes: the main thing is to get turpentine

Bylim Olena

Easy ways to remove tar from white or colored clothes: the main thing is to get turpentine
Easy ways to remove tar from white or colored clothes: the main thing is to get turpentine. Source: Vie Studio/Pexels

Picnics, walks in the woods, and other outdoor activities can turn into trouble - resin stains on clothes are quite difficult to remove.

Don't panic, because with some simple tips, you can easily get rid of sticky and greasy stains while preserving your favorite clothes. SantePlusMag advises you to try several ways to remove tar from different types of fabrics.

Read also: How to remove blueberry stains from clothes: useful tips and alternative methods


Apply a few drops of olive oil to the stained area. Let the fabric absorb the oil. Rub the stain with talcum powder or baking powder. Leave on for an hour.Wash the stained area and rinse with warm water.

Colored cotton clothes:

Wash the garment with laundry soap to remove excess resin. Turn the garment inside out. Mix 3/4 alcohol with 1/4 turpentine. Dip cotton in the solution and wipe the back of the stain. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

White cotton clothes:

Moisten a cotton pad with a mixture of turpentine and alcohol. Wipe the stain until it disappears completely.


Freeze the resin with an ice cube. Scrape off the tar with a butter knife. Use a mixture of turpentine and alcohol if the resin does not disappear. Wash the clothes with laundry soap.

Woolen or silk clothes:

Dampen a cotton ball with turpentine and wipe the stain. Wash the garment by hand with laundry soap.

How to remove a tar stain from colored leather clothes?

Moisten a cotton ball with alcohol and rub the stain. Do a test on an inconspicuous area first.

How do I remove a dried resin stain?

Heat the stain with a hairdryer (carefully!) to melt the resin. Remove it with cotton dipped in acetone.

With these tips, you can easily remove tar stains from your clothes and keep them clean and beautiful.

Earlier, we told you how to properly wash your collar and cuffs to make them look perfect.

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