Habits that maintain psychical and mental health

At the beginning of April, humor traditionally becomes the main trend in our communication. It is important to remain in "good humor" and with a positive "sense of humor" as we go through trials that decide the fate of our nation. Science confirms that it helps to maintain physical and mental health, which is especially important these days.
The results of numerous studies confirm that laughter is a natural means of maintaining mental health, and successful jokes can successfully compete with the best drugs against depression and stress.
A good sense of humor creates many long-term and short-term opportunities for improving mental health. Laughter automatically causes positive physical and mental changes that help you relax and start feeling better.
Among the short-term consequences, it is worth mentioning:
Stimulation of the functional state of key organs: laughter improves the supply of oxygen-rich air. This, in turn, tones the heart, lungs, and muscles. The brain releases endorphins, hormones that cause feelings of pleasure and relaxation.
Eliminating the effects of stress: laughter activates the body's optimal response mechanisms to emotional events. This process changes the heart rate, improving mood.
Relief of excessive tension: Laughter also stimulates accelerated blood circulation. At this time, there is a soothing feeling that relieves tension.
A good sense of humor embodied in successful jokes also has several scientifically proven long-term effects. They include:
Strengthening the immune system: positive thoughts lead to the release of neuropeptides. These are brain chemicals that fight anxiety, stress, and other related mental disorders. Conversely, negative thoughts can cause biochemical reactions in the body that cause increased levels of stress, which can suppress basic immune functions.
Pain relief: Laughter causes the body to release natural pain relievers, thereby relieving physical pain.
Positive Attitude: A good sense of humor helps you communicate and interact with other people more freely. Positive thoughts and good relationships will support you in difficult situations.
Mood improvement: Laughter can reduce anxiety and make a person happier.
If you're a naturally cheerful person, you're probably less prone to depression and anxiety. However, this does not mean that happy people are not vulnerable to mental health problems. Life is sometimes very difficult, and even the strongest people break down. A good sense of humor is a natural way to manage stress. The following tips will help develop it:
Focus your attention on the things that make you happy: humor revolves around happiness. Try to be happy doing what you enjoy. A good way to do this is to identify simple things that trigger pleasant thoughts and memories.
Share jokes and funny stories in the company of fun people.
Look for funny things on social networks. You can join groups or follow people who like humor.
Be discerning: not everything is funny. Determine what types of jokes are appropriate. This will help avoid jokes that may be rude or offensive to other people.