"Penguin" tactics will help: how to walk on slippery ground and not fall

Winter brings not only the joy of snow but also an increased risk of traumatic falls on icy streets and sidewalks. Wrist and hip fractures and other injuries become more common, but with some effective strategies, you can reduce the likelihood of falls.
According to Altatherapies, you should walk in icy conditions like penguins do. Using their technique, you can maintain your balance and avoid unpleasant injuries.
Read also: The doctor gave advice on how to fall on icy roads to avoid serious injuries
Penguin technique:
Keep your arms at your sides and legs slightly apart, and take short, even steps. Keep your foot flat, avoiding heel strikes. Keep your center of gravity directly above your feet. This will help maintain stability and reduce the risk of falling.

Experts advise being especially careful when exiting and entering the car as this is a high-risk moment. Hold onto the car with two or three points of contact until both feet are firmly on the ground. Do not get out of the car on a slippery surface with your belongings. You can pick them up later when you're secure.
Read also: How to lubricate the soles of winter boots for the winter to avoid falling on the ice
Experts also gave advice on how to fall on slippery roads:
If you slip, try to sit down immediately to reduce the height of the fall. At the same time, avoid falling on your back as this can lead to serious head and spinal injuries. If you feel that you are falling face first, try to regroup by pulling your knees to your stomach and pressing your chin to your chest.
If you fall on your side, tuck your arm under you so that the impact falls on the upper part of your forearm: this will absorb the impact.
If you fall forward, try to group yourself, bend one of your arms so that you fall on your shoulder and roll over on your side.
Here's how to lubricate a shovel to make shoveling snow from the road much easier.
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