
Why you should eat more blue and purple foods

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Why you should eat more blue and purple foods
Why you should eat more blue and purple foods. Source: Photo by the author


Blue and purple foods are extremely rich in antioxidants, which protect nerve cells from oxidative stress and inflammation caused by free radical damage.

In plants rich in flavonoids (groups of antioxidants), specific compounds - anthocyanins - have been discovered. Being pigments, they color plants in blue and violet, and also easily pass through the blood-brain barrier (physiological barrier between the blood and central nervous system), positively affecting brain cells.

Anthocyanins are members of the flavonoid group of phytochemicals that improve circulatory system function and thought processes. By consuming blueberries/blackberries and other dark berries/fruits/vegetables, we slow age-related cognitive decline.

Anthocyanins support clear memory and thinking processes by reducing inflammation and preventing DNA damage in brain cells. for example, blue grape berry juice contains powerful antioxidants - polyphenols and anthocyanins, which act to protect nerve tissue from oxidative stress.

Anthocyanins are rich in foods such as:

•dark grapes.

•blue raisins.


•billberries, blackberries, blueberries, currants, mulberries.

•black chokeberry, elderberry.



•blue cabbage.

•purple cabbage.

•purple potatoes.

Also a wonderful option for taking this anthocyanin antioxidant is a concentrated extract from the skins and seeds of blue grapes. Some of my patients are familiar with it. Have you heard of this extract before?