Why we gain weight over the years: it's not like we always thought

Everything, our last support, our mental bastion, crumbled like a sand castle washed away by a wave, melting away, leaving us confused and deceived.
For so many years, we believed that our weight grew not because of burgers, but of years, that is, that the older we get, and especially postmenopausal women, the slower our metabolism, and all of this turned out to be false.
The journal Science published the results of an international study conducted in 29 countries, which completely overturned not only what we used to hide behind when our bellies and butts grew, but also what our doctors told us: "Well, what do you want, you no more 25".
So here's the thing about 25. Scientists have measured the metabolic rate of people from the age of 8 days to 95 years.
Yes, it was different: the fastest was from a few days of birth to a year (because a child grows and develops rapidly), then from the age of one to 20 it began to slow down by 3% per year, and then (and now the most interesting thing) from the age of 20 to 60 it was the same!
It is the same!
And only after 60 to 90 does it start to slow down.
This is explained by the fact that after the age of 60, people move little, have chronic diseases, and many of them develop a condition called sarcopenia, which is a decrease in muscle tissue and its replacement with fatty tissue, and muscle cells require more energy than fat cells, but people are already used to buns, pancakes, dumplings, and bacon.
The result is that as children and teenagers, we lead a more or less mobile life, but then years and decades of sitting, being busy, and completely dismissing any movement follow.
Move. Move every day, as much as possible, and in a variety of ways. Walking, running, dancing, exercising, cycling, swimming, and doing it every day, day after day. Then you will have better health and fewer chances for illness and immobilization.
When you are overweight, start with simple and small things, gradually increasing the duration of the exercise. If your knees hurt, you load your arms, if your arms hurt, you load your legs, if you can't run, you walk, if you can't walk, you crawl. But don't sit still.
And eat accordingly (I'll keep writing about this).
In fact, this is a great study.
It gives you faith in your strength but does not give excuses a chance.
Here are examples of beautiful women who are 55+, to be more precise - Joan McDonald - 75, Ernestine Shepherd - 81, Tao Porchon Lynch - 99.
So, girls and boys, let's pound this rock because we are destined to break this rock!!!!
"Break this rock! Let neither heat nor cold stop you! Endure toil, thirst, and hunger, for you are destined to break this rock" - this is the formula for success in any business, especially in achieving longevity!
I don't give up, I keep trying every day!
Do you?