Why Labradors are always hungry and get fat fast: scientists' answer

Labrador owners know how difficult it is to resist their pleading eyes when they ask for food. This breed is known for its appetite, and researchers have finally figured out why.
It turns out that Labradors are prone to obesity due to a genetic mutation. It is important to remember that genetics is not a sentence, life.pravda.com writes. Thanks to the care and attention of their owners, Labradors with this mutation can live a long and healthy life.
This mutation affects two aspects:
- Increased appetite: Dogs with the mutation experience greater hunger between feedings.
- Reduced metabolism: These dogs burn fewer calories at rest.
Scientists at the University of Cambridge have investigated this mutation, called POMC. Their research showed that:
- 25% of Labradors have this mutation.
- Dogs with the mutation:
- Are more focused on food.
- Burn 25% fewer calories.
- Have a tendency to obesity.
This does not mean that all Labradors with this mutation will be fat. With proper nutrition and exercise, they can maintain a healthy weight.
However, Labrador owners need to be aware of this genetic trait. They are advised to:
- Control portion sizes.
- Provide dogs with enough physical activity.
- Monitor the dog's weight.
The study also showed that the POMC mutation can lead to lower blood pressure in Labradors.
Here are some additional tips for Labrador owners:
- Feed your dog good quality food.
- Divide the daily food allowance into several small portions.
- Do not let your dog eat from the table.
- Offer alternative ways to get food, such as puzzle toys.
- Take your dog for regular walks and play with him.
By following these tips, you can help your Labrador stay healthy and happy.
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