
Why cats don't like having their stomachs petted: interesting facts about furry pets

Maria Tsikhotska

Why cats don't like having their stomachs petted: interesting facts about furry pets
Cats' abdomen is the most vulnerable part of the body

When a dog rolls over on its back, sticking out its tongue, and looks forward to its owner stroking its belly, a cat in a similar situation is likely to respond with bites and claws. So why do such familiar petting behaviors evoke completely different reactions in these animals?

Dogs enjoy belly rubs for several reasons, according to Ukr.Media.

First, it gives them physical pleasure. Dogs, like other mammals, have special neurons that respond to the stimulation of hair follicles, causing pleasant sensations.

Secondly, it reminds them of an important element of social interaction. Dogs are very sensitive to touch, and when they roll over on their backs, exposing their stomachs, it demonstrates trust in the person they perceive as a member of their "pack".

In addition, belly rubbing not only calms the animal but also has a positive effect on its health - studies show that such stroking can reduce heart rate and stress levels.

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However, not all dogs like to be stroked on the stomach. If the animal does not show initiative or reacts aggressively to touch, it is better not to insist.

Cats, on the other hand, often don't allow belly rubs for the same reasons dogs love them. Their sensitive hair follicles can be easily overstimulated, so even if the cat enjoys the stroking at first, it may suddenly bite or scratch your hand after a few seconds.

Another reason is an instinctive defense reaction. The abdomen of cats is the most vulnerable part of the body, because vital organs are located under a thin layer of fur and skin. That is why many furry pets do not tend to trust humans enough to allow them to touch this area.

Earlier, experts recommended the best dog breeds for beginners.

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