Pay attention to these 3 nuances: what to do to keep your feet warm in winter

With the real winter, snow and frost have come to Ukraine, which poses the task of reliable foot insulation. You need to make sure that walks or commutes do not become a test in the cold.
We've already looked at quick ways to warm up after a walk in frosty weather, and now we're going to share three important rules for avoiding icy feet in winter. The recommendations were shared on the Telegraph website.
Read also: How to lubricate the soles of winter boots for the winter to avoid falling on the ice
- Quality shoes. One of the key aspects is the right choice of winter shoes. It is important to pay attention to the quality of materials and the presence of insulation in the boots or shoes. In particular, it is important that the shoes have enough space for your feet to allow air circulation, which helps to retain heat. In narrow shoes, the risk of frostbite increases.
- Warm insoles. Pay attention to the insole when choosing shoes. It is best to choose shoes with fur insoles as fur effectively retains heat. This also applies to removable insoles, especially if you're going to install them in your old shoes or boots.
- Thick socks. Warm socks are an important element in keeping your feet warm while walking. Ensure that you are comfortable in your socks, you can choose two pairs or one pair but thicker. Don't forget about the space in your shoes, which is important to ensure foot comfort in winter.
By choosing high-quality shoes with a warm insole and thick socks, you can be sure that your feet will remain warm even during the harshest frosts.
Many people do not know how to effectively insulate their shoes, especially when it gets cold in their boots or shoes. That's why UAportal told you about effective and, most importantly, budget-friendly ways of warming.
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