It is necessary! Doctors answered whether children can eat chocolate

Many parents believe that chocolate is harmful to children and try to limit its consumption. However, this is not entirely true. In moderation, chocolate can even be beneficial for a child's body.
Chocolate can be good for children, but it is important to consume it in moderation and choose high-quality chocolate with a high cocoa content, ua-vestnik writes.
Read also: How to choose high-quality and natural chocolate: simple tips
Useful properties of chocolate:
- Chocolate helps to normalize blood pressure and cardiovascular function.
- Chocolate is a good source of energy and helps improve concentration and memory.
- Chocolate contains antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals.
- Chocolate contains magnesium, which is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
- Chocolate helps to control blood sugar levels.
- Chocolate contains anadamine, which has antidepressant properties.
What kind of chocolate is good for children?
For children, it is best to eat dark chocolate with a high cocoa content (at least 70%). Such chocolate contains more antioxidants and nutrients than milk or white chocolate.
How much chocolate can children be given?
Children over 3 years old should be given no more than 20-30 grams of chocolate per day.
If the child is allergic to chocolate, then its consumption should be excluded.
Attention: This content is for informational purposes only and does not contain any medical advice. For medications, diagnoses and other medical advice, please consult your doctor.
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