You should eat every day: a berry that reduces the risk of premature death has been named

Berries are among the most beneficial foods for humans. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that help the body resist many diseases.
Experts strongly recommend including berries in the diet not only during the season, but throughout the year. They claim that regular consumption of berries significantly reduces the risk of premature death, writes The Journal of Nutrition.
Read also: The benefits and harms of raspberries: how many berries you can eat a day
This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by scientists from the United States. They analyzed the health data of more than 37,000 people for more than 8 years.
As part of the study, it turned out that the most favorable for health turned out to be cranberries. Consumption of this berry reduces the risk of death by 31%. Blueberries and other types of berries also revealed their positive side, reducing the risk by 21%. Strawberries, on the other hand, showed more modest results, reducing the probability of death by only 14%.
Cranberries, as the most beneficial of the berries, are enriched with catechins, glycosides, pectins and flavonoids, effectively fighting serious diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. It also helps maintain vision, has antimicrobial properties, and has been successfully used as a diuretic.
Berries are generally effective as a tonic and refreshing agent, they increase physical and mental performance, and stimulate the secretion of pancreatic and gastric juice. They are used as an antifever and vitamin remedy.
For medicinal purposes, only ripe berries are used. These berries retain their qualities for a long time. They are consumed fresh or processed into various products: juices, syrups, drinks, extracts, kvass, morses, jelly, marmalade, jam. Diluted with water juice is an excellent means of quenching thirst in fevers, and with the addition of honey can be used for coughs, sore throats, rheumatism and hypertension.
Recall, we have already written what products can not be added to coffee.
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