A museum in Iran used a 2,600-year-old clay pot instead of a trash can (photo)

The Rasht Archaeological Museum in Iran has been criticized after it was revealed that its employees were using a 2,600-year-old clay pot as a garbage can. The museum's curator tried to justify the negligence by saying that the trash cans were stolen from the museum.
According to Arkeonews, the clay pot, which dates back to the copper period, was discovered during excavations in Gilan, a province in northern Iran. It was restored and donated to the museum in 1971.
The curator of the museum claimed that the museum was forced to use the pot as a trash can because intruders had stolen plastic and wooden trash cans. However, this claim sparked outrage in Iran.

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Many believe that using such a valuable artifact as a dumping ground is not only offensive, but also shows the museum's lack of regard for its collection.
"It's just awful," said one Iranian historian. - This pot is a valuable contribution to our history, and it deserves better."

"This is another example of Iran neglecting its cultural heritage," another historian said.
The incident is another example of the problems Iran faces in preserving its cultural heritage. Abandonment, lack of care and environmental impact of some historical sites and artifacts further add to the concerns about the overall state of preservation.
As a reminder, the tomb of a Mixtec warrior-trader was unearthed in Mexico.
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