Magnesium baths: how to deal with stress at home

Recently we talked to you about magnesium. I want to add some more important information. Consumption of sugary carbonated drinks, which are high in phosphorus, leads to magnesium loss. Excessive consumption of coffee, canned and processed foods, where the magnesium content is lost by half, affects the supply of this mineral to the body.
The modern person's diet of processed foods and a busy lifestyle leads to frequent magnesium deficiency. And this, along with other factors - inactivity, a passion for fast food and sweets, overeating, unfortunately, contributes to the growth of cardiovascular diseases.
And by the way, you don't need to look for a single food that will provide magnesium and eat kilograms of it. To ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of this mineral, the diet should be complete and varied, consisting of foods from different groups and containing enough plant foods.
Baths with magnesium salt (magnesia, Epsom salt, English salt) are also gaining popularity.
It is scientifically proven that relaxing baths with this salt provide:
- Relaxation on the physical level and improvement of the emotional state.
- Normalization of lymph flow and blood circulation.
- Saturation of the skin with trace elements and nutrients.
- Improving the condition of the dermis, reducing the appearance of cellulite and preventing the appearance of stretch marks.
- Removal of toxic substances.
- Reducing muscle pain caused by oxidative stress and intense physical activity.
- Removal of swelling of the upper and lower extremities.
Salt baths help to reduce stress hormones in the body, which is extremely important for all Ukrainians.
Take care of yourself!