
Better than fertilizers: what to add to the soil to increase fertility

Ihor Romanko

How to increase soil fertility with lime
How to increase soil fertility with lime

With the arrival of spring, it's time to take care of the soil, which is depleted and loses its nutritional properties during the summer. One of the most important tasks of this period is to deoxidize the soil with lime.

Deoxidizing the soil with lime is a simple but effective way to provide your plants with everything they need for abundant fruiting next season, writes noviydoctor.

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Why does the soil become acidic?

One of the main factors that cause autumn soil acidification is the decay of fallen leaves and plant residues. This process leads to the accumulation of organic acids that lower the pH level of the soil. Increased acidity negatively affects its structure, impairing the penetration of moisture and nutrients. This, in turn, leads to lower yields and poorer plant growth.

How does lime deoxidation help the soil?

Lime is a naturally occurring alkaline material that neutralizes acids in the soil, increasing its pH. This makes the soil more favorable for plant growth by improving the availability of nutrients and water.

How to properly deoxidize the soil with lime?


  • Water the soil thoroughly.
  • Spread a thin layer of organic material (compost, humus) over the bed.
  • Dissolve the lime in water according to the instructions.


  • Spread the lime solution over the bed.
  • Water the soil again abundantly.
  • Dig up the soil to distribute the lime evenly.

Benefits of autumn deoxidation:

  • Increase soil fertility.
  • Preservation of its structure and nutritional properties.
  • Creating optimal conditions for plant growth.


  • Before deoxidizing, determine the acidity level of the soil with a special test kit.
  • Follow the instructions for applying lime strictly, as its excessive use can lead to negative consequences.

To recap, we've already written how to grow mangoes from bone at home.

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