Moles run away from the yard: the best folk methods that work

Moles are insectivores that dig burrows underground and look for a variety of larvae, earthworms, ants, and crickets. They need quite a bit of food, so they can dig huge tunnels and burrows in your yard.
If you don't want to catch and kill these rather cute creatures, you can do without aggressive means. Moreover, killing moles is not recommended, as they can be beneficial to the environment.
Experts note that moles are easy to detect on a personal plot, as they leave behind surface tunnels, above which plants begin to die or wither.
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To prevent moles from spoiling your plantings, you should get rid of creatures that serve as food for moles. One way is to use garden nematodes (roundworms). These are tiny, harmless parasites that can fight a variety of pests that moles like to eat. Nematodes have no effect on earthworms, so they won't touch the "beneficial pests".
To encourage moles to leave your yard, plant marigolds or daffodils. These flowers, particularly marigolds, produce a pungent scent that repels moles. A mole emerging from a hill next to a trap
A simple, non-invasive method of deterring moles is to use a mole repeller. These small devices emit a low-frequency vibration through the soil, and moles cannot tolerate this.
Experts note that castor oil is a common mole repellent among gardeners. However, it can kill a mole because it negatively affects the digestive system of these animals.
Also, do not use mothballs. This substance slowly breaks down and releases pesticides in the form of gas. Due to the toxic nature of mothballs, these gases can harm the plants you are trying to protect from moles.
We also wrote about when to start treating plants and soil against May beetles and their larvae.
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