Cats arch their back when you pet them: why does it happen

Cats are known for their independence, but they still love affection. When you stroke your cat, she may arch her back. This can indicate that she enjoys the process.
As explained by experts from AskMyCats, cats arch their back for several reasons. The most common reason is satisfaction. When a cat feels happy and content, she may arch her back to show it to you. She may also raise her tail and start purring.
Another reason why cats arch their back is stretching. Cats are muscular animals, and they need to stretch to stay healthy. When a cat arches her back, she stretches the muscles of her back, shoulders, and legs.
The third reason why cats arch their back is protection. When a cat feels threatened, she may arch her back to look bigger and scarier. This signal can warn a potential predator not to attack.
If you see that your cat is arching her back, it's important to pay attention to her behavior. If she is purring and relaxed, it likely means she is enjoying it. However, if she is hissing, growling, or making other aggressive gestures, it may indicate that she feels threatened.
How to properly pet your cat:
- Start with gentle strokes around the head and neck.
- If the cat feels comfortable, you can start petting her on the back and belly.
- Be careful not to press too hard.
- If the cat starts hissing, growling, or turning away, stop and give her space.
Remember that every cat is an individual. Some cats love being petted, while others do not. Be attentive to your cat's signals and give her the opportunity to tell you what she wants.
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