Which eggs are the most useful: how much and when to eat

Contrary to popular belief, eggs do not increase cholesterol levels, as cholesterol that enters the body with food is not deposited in the blood vessels. Only our own, which is produced by the liver, is deposited. Eggs, on the contrary, affect the reduction of "bad" cholesterol levels, thanks to lecithin.
Eggs are one of the most valuable natural products. They boost the immune system, help fight against adverse environmental influences, infections and stress, normalize metabolism and help the expectant mother to bear a healthy baby.
What to keep in mind: eggs can cause allergies. Intolerance can be different - only to yolks, only to proteins, or both. Allergy sufferers should be sure to keep an eye out for "hidden" eggs in food.
Eggs can also carry salmonella, so it's best to eat eggs only when they are cooked. Avoid recipes with raw eggs if you are not sure of their origin, fry the eggs until the yolk hardens, and boil the eggs for at least two minutes.
The daily allowance is 1-2 eggs per day.