Which porridges you can eat and which ones to forget forever

Recently, porridge is not in favor: then low-carbohydrate diet, then ketogenic, then they have a lot of starch, then they are of little use. And this does not only apply to porridge, but to many foods, such as legumes, tomatoes, potatoes, nuts (which should or should not be soaked, etc.).
The question sounds very unambiguous. And it would be possible to answer unambiguously, if we were all robots, released from the same factory in the same year and also equally worked, in the same conditions "saved".
But we are all very different: in terms of age, weight, statute, metabolism of substances, physical activity, health status. Therefore, to answer unequivocally, what porridge can or can not, it is all the same thing to put on all people dress dress of the same size and cut. It is important to realize that among natural products there is no something absolutely bad or absolutely good, as the great Paracelsus said: everything depends on the dosage, in this case, the portion).
Porridge is a source of the following substances:
Complex carbohydrates, which are repeatedly split into glucose, vivilnyayut energy, so "trimayut" to long without the feeling of hunger.
Cells, moreover, in each porridge, differently and in different spivvidnosti.
Minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
Vitamin B group in different spivvidnosti.
Each porridge has something valuable, so they need to live different.
Particularly valuable are buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl, and millet.
Porridge is not substituted in the medical diet, especially in cases of inflammatory diseases of the organs of herbalism, because they envelop the mucous, reduce the subduing effect of stomach juice or oatmeal on the mucous, is a good prophylaxis of atherosclerosis, give energy and make the treatment diet savory, which is also important for quick refreshment (in soups, porridge, zapikanki, sour cream, etc.).
It is true if you pile three ladles of porridge on top of it, pour pidlivaya on top or put a large "catnip", or put a lot of butter on top and jam or jam, or a spoonful of honey on top. And all day long you sit in the office and only go to the toilet, elevator, kitchen, refrigerator, bathtub and bed.
That's right. And all the same porridge has nothing to do with it.
In a low-energy way of life we need very little energy and, as a rule, we overeat it rather than undereat it.
Yes. And rumble a lot. We can do anything, even rhumba and cha-cha-cha, boxing, dumbbell exercises, and walking with a walker. Just keep in mind that the need to collapse is a lot of evolutionarily laid in us, and if we do not collapse, we will die before the hour.
And if you've collapsed, porridge will be just the right time. But the porridge should be supplemented with something.
Vysivkami vyvsyanimymi - have zhovtoginnu, antisclerotic, anticarcinogenic and antitoxic effect; in a word, vyvodivodiva all shkidlivye and not necessary:))
Nasinnyam lion rozmochnymi - there are a lot of lignansiv, roslinnyh omega3 fatty acids, which are also anticarcinogenic, and have an antitizapalnuyu action, positively affect the work of the nervous and hormonal systems.
Gorikhami - healthy fats, phytonutrients, especially valuable for the heart, vessels and brain.
Berries - vitamin C, poliphenols, pectin - so good for the brain and intestinal bacteria, and healthy joints.
Legumes, #rice and boiled to al dente vegetables.
It's almost 15 years old. This is my food intake for the day.
"No way, caviar, salmon, fatty this dietician eat" - maybe someone will think.
That's it.
It is better not to eat meat, but instead of it - fish, sometimes - caviar. First of all.
Today I was so nastribalasya in the gym, I did a lot of dumbbell exercises and threw an important m'yacha (medball) into the wall, boxed a pear, so I can eat porridge calmly. There is a separate post about the goodness of ikri, but without fanaticism here as well.
CONCLUSION: if you don't know whether you can eat porridge or not, here is a simple "guide" for you: work up a sweat, if you have a fever - eat it!
You did not collapse, sat still and still have a tendency to occupy your body - don't eat! But know that it's better to rumble and eat a little bit of porridge.
On the photo.
Oatmeal porridge made of groats (soaked overnight, boiled in the morning), I added a tablespoon of soaked flax. No olive.
Leafy greens, you should not forget about especially valuable parsley.
Two small fresh tomatoes and half of the one baked yesterday on the grill, sprinkled with dried herbs and a little bit of w'yaleni, brought from Sicily.
Caviar (1 teaspoon) and salmon fish (about the same amount).
Chasnick (because I always have it with me)