How to cut crab sticks in seconds: life hack from a hostesses

Sometimes there is no time to prepare a dish, so life hacks that speed up the process always come in handy. Chef Anatolii Dobrovolskyi shared an interesting life hack that will help you cut crab sticks in a second.
He writes about it
To do this, you need:
- Remove the crab stick from the pack and individual packaging.
- Place the stick on a cutting board in the middle.
- Take a wide kitchen knife and hit the stick hard with the flat side of the blade.
The crab stick will break into pieces. If it is uneven on one side, you can stab again.
According to the chef, this method works because there is a film inside the crab stick that keeps it intact. When the knife is stabbed, the film breaks and the stick falls apart.
This method is very simple and fast, so it is ideal for preparing salads, soups, and other dishes where you need to cut crab sticks.
Read also: How to fry food so it doesn't stick to the pan
Here are some tips to help you cut crab sticks with this life hack:
- Use a wide kitchen knife. The wider the knife, the better it will cut through the film inside the crab stick.
- Stab the stick firmly and evenly. If you stab lightly, the film may not break and the stick will not break into pieces.
- If you're not sure you can do it right the first time, try cutting the stick in small sections first.
We've already written about how to clean the burnt bottom of an enamel pot.
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