
How to protect yourself from ticks: experts gave top-6 useful tips

Maria Tsikhotska

How to protect yourself from ticks: experts gave top-6 useful tips
Ticks are very dangerous for people and animals

With the onset of heat, Kyiv residents risk meeting unpleasant neighbors – ticks. These small creatures, unfortunately, can pose a serious threat to the health of people and animals. In the Kyiv region, the most common is borreliosis (Lyme disease), which can affect the skin, joints, nervous system, and heart. In some regions of Ukraine, ticks carry other dangerous diseases, such as tick-borne encephalitis, piroplasmosis, and tularemia. This is reported by the official portal of Kyiv.

What to do if you are bitten by a tick?

  • See a doctor immediately! A specialist will help safely remove the tick and advise on further actions.
  • You can remove the tick yourself only as a last resort. Do this carefully so as not to leave the proboscis in the body.
  • Apply an antiseptic to the bite site.
  • Watch your well-being. Consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:
    • Headache
    • Increase in temperature
    • Weakness
    • Redness, itching, pain, or swelling at the site of the bite

How to protect yourself from tick bites?

  • When walking in the forest or park, wear closed clothes and a hat.
  • Carefully inspect yourself and your loved ones after returning home.
  • Treat pets with special repellents.
  • Use repellents for humans, strictly following the instructions.
  • Avoid places with tall grass and branches.

Remember that seeing a doctor promptly and following simple safety rules will help you stay healthy and avoid the unpleasant consequences of a tick bite.

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