How to attract luck and attract money in the house with the help of rice: the secrets of feng shui

Rice is not only a delicious and nutritious food, but also a symbol of good luck and prosperity in Asian culture. According to fengshui philosophy, rice has a powerful energy that can attract positive events in a person's life.
Here are a few ways to use rice to attract good luck and prosperity, according to Santeplusmag:
Place grains of rice in several corners of your home. Fengshui recommends placing them in different places in your home. This way you will attract abundance and good fortune into your life.
Read also: How to attract financial fortune with feng shui
Use the water from cooking rice to clean your floors. According to beliefs, the water on which rice is boiled will attract money and prosperity.
Place grains of dry rice in a glass jar with seven coins. Place this bowl of abundance at the entrance to your home or office.
Place a small plate of slightly white rice in the center of the main table. Do this as often as possible.
Of course, you should not take these rituals too seriously. But if you believe in their power, they can help you create a positive atmosphere in the house and attract good luck into your life.
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