How to make mayonnaise without eggs and what to add if it turns out to be liquid

Mayonnaise is a popular dressing that can be used in a variety of dishes from salads to sandwiches. However, traditional mayonnaise contains eggs, which can be a problem for vegetarians, vegans, or people with allergies.
Fortunately, many egg-free mayonnaise recipes can be easily prepared at home. The life hack was shared by santeplusmag.
Read also: The chef shared the secret of making the best homemade mayonnaise
How to make mayonnaise without eggs
- 100 ml of soy milk or other vegetable milk
- 230 ml of sunflower oil
- salt and black pepper
- parsley, coriander or any dry aromatic herb
- half a teaspoon of dry mustard
- half a teaspoon of soy sauce
- half a teaspoon of lemon juice
- 2 cloves of garlic or more, depending on your taste.
First, pour all the ingredients into a salad bowl, then use a blender to mix everything for 30 seconds without interruption. If the mixture is too liquid, add a little oil and mix to get a smooth texture.
This mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 4-5 days.
What to do if the mayonnaise fails
Take 3 or 4 tablespoons of the failed mayonnaise and add a drop of oil, whisking with a blender at high speed. The secret to successful mayonnaise is to gradually add oil while mixing the ingredients. Then gradually add the rest of the "failed mayonnaise" and blend until the whole mixture is homogeneous.
Earlier, we wrote about how to replace butter during baking.
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