How to water orchids after repotting properly

When caring for and creating suitable conditions, the plant needs to be repotted periodically. At this stage, there is a certain nuance that you should know about. It is about watering. This was written by ChasDiy.
Gardening experts explained what to do with the orchid after transplanting. The plant needs moisture. Regardless of whether you simply transplant it into another pot or plant it in a new substrate, it needs to be watered in any case.
The reason for this is quite clear. In the new conditions, the substrate is dry, and the orchid needs moisture. If it is not watered, it can dry out.
Florists recommend adding orchid fertilizer to the water for irrigation. This will support the plant in new conditions and reduce the stress of transplanting. It is good if the fertilizer contains nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and other mineral fertilizers.
Water the orchid immediately after transplanting. The water should be at room temperature. Water until the substrate settles with the liquid. After that, place the pot in a bowl of water so that the orchid absorbs as much moisture as it needs. Finally, after the water procedures are completed, the plant should be placed in a dark place for 2 weeks.
As a reminder, we have already written what is forbidden to do with orchids.
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