How to treat apple trees from pests and diseases after winter

The apple tree is one of the most popular fruit trees in Ukraine. To get a high-quality and abundant harvest, it is important to properly care for the tree.
By following these tips from dim.novyny, you can protect your apple tree from pests and diseases and get a bountiful harvest of delicious apples.
Read also: How and when to prune trees in spring
One of the most important stages of care is the treatment of the apple tree from pests and diseases in early spring.
When to treat an apple tree?
- The first treatment is carried out before budding (usually in the first decade of March).
- The second treatment is during budding (late March - early April).
- The third treatment is before flowering.
- The fourth treatment is during flowering.
How to treat an apple tree?
Before budding:
- Copper sulfate or Nitrafen solution.
- Bordeaux liquid 3%, copper or iron sulfate 3% (to prevent scab).
- Suspension of colloidal sulfur (against ticks).
- Chlorophos solution (from caterpillars and weevils).
During budding:
- Bordeaux liquid (if two weeks have passed since the previous spraying).
- Wood ash solution (100-200 g per bucket of water) - against pests and diseases.
Before flowering:
- A solution of wood ash.
- Professional preparations (for example, Fufanon-Nova, Biotlin).
During flowering:
- Hummingbird (3 ml per 5-8 liters of water) is an insecticide that is the least toxic to bees.
- Strazh (3 ml per 5-8 liters of water) is a fungicide for the prevention of scab, powdery mildew and other diseases.
- Before treating the apple tree, carefully read the instructions for the preparation.
- The treatment is carried out in the morning or in the evening when there is no sun.
- Wear personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, goggles).
- Do not treat the apple tree in the rain.
As a reminder, the expert called the winter pruning rule "three Ds" that will encourage the garden to bloom in the spring.
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