How to get rid of small midges near indoor plants: a simple life hack

Indoor flowers are not only a home decoration, but also a source of joy and pleasure for many people. However, sometimes unwanted guests, such as midges and various insects, can settle in the flowers.
This method is effective in preventing the appearance of insects. If there are already a lot of insects, it is better to use special preparations, writes.
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You can get rid of them with the help of purchased chemicals, but they can be toxic to plants and people. An alternative is to use natural remedies, such as garlic.
Garlic contains phytoncides, substances that have antibacterial and fungicidal effects. They are also an effective insect repellent.
To prepare a remedy for midges and insects from garlic, you need to:
- Chop 5 cloves of garlic.
- Pour 1 liter of water over them.
- Leave for 5 days in a dark place.
- Strain the infusion.
- Spray the plants with the resulting infusion.
Garlic infusion should not be heated, as this can destroy its biologically active substances.
Spray the plants with garlic infusion 2-3 times a week. After a few weeks, midges and other insects should disappear.
As a reminder, every flower lover wants her flowerpots to be the most lush, beautiful, and healthy. But did you know that an inexpensive spice that every housewife uses for baking can help you grow perfect flowers on your windowsill?
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