Avoid them in your look this spring: stylists named the colors that age

The spring of 2024 promises to be trendy and bright. However, there are certain colors that, according to stylists, you should exclude from your wardrobe this season, as they can visually age you.
The UAportal team together with TSN talks about four colors that can add years to you. It is better to avoid them when creating spring images.
Undoubtedly, some colors are considered classics, but this spring they may not bring the desired effect. Their use can make your style too conservative and faceless. To liven up beige, introduce bright accents into the image, which will add dynamics to the neutral background of the clothes.
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Gray is often associated with restraint and seriousness, but it may not be the best choice for a spring wardrobe. Stylists advise to avoid monotonous gray ensembles, suggesting instead to add more brightness to the image.
Dark and deep colors can weigh down your look, making it too harsh. As an alternative, choose light and airy pastel tones that will add freshness.
Monochrome images
Plain clothes can look monotonous, so experts encourage experimenting with contrasts, combining various colors and textures. This will allow you to create a dynamic and expressive image in the spring style of 2024.
In order to look fashionable and not add years to yourself, you should abandon the mentioned colors in favor of brighter and richer shades that will bring energy and youth to the image.
We will remind you that earlier UAportal told which skirts will be in trend in 2024.
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