
Spoil the taste: the main mistake in cooking borscht that few people know about

Maria Tsikhotska

Spoil the taste: the main mistake in cooking borscht that few people know about
One mistake can ruin borscht

Borscht is an important and complex dish. So it's disappointing when a dish that you've spent a lot of time and effort on doesn't taste very good. We are talking about one common mistake that spoils the taste of the dish. Telegraph writes about it.

The order of laying vegetables is important

To make borscht successful, the ingredients need to be added in a certain sequence, depending on the time of their preparation. First, put the potatoes in, and after 15 minutes – the cabbage.

The fact is that potatoes take longer to cook in an acidic environment. If you put the cabbage in first and then the potatoes, the cabbage will turn into mush, while the potatoes will remain hard.

Beetroot roast with tomato paste is added at the end of the process. Add the bay leaf 10 minutes before cooking and remove it immediately after turning off the heat to prevent the spice from giving off too much essential oils.

Follow these simple rules and everything in the borscht will be perfectly cooked and delicious!

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