
Will be gone in a flash: how to get rid of mold in the house

Maria Tsikhotska

Will be gone in a flash: how to get rid of mold in the house
You can fight mold without chemicals

Spring weather variability often leads to condensation on windows, which can cause mold. Getting rid of this unwanted "guest" is not always easy as it usually requires the use of chemicals. However, there are eco-friendly alternatives that are not harmful to your health.

Mold is dangerous because it can quickly spread throughout the house if you don't take action. Although the proposed method is simple to implement, it is also effective. The Mirror writes about it.

You will need:

  • 1 cup of ordinary vinegar
  • 20 drops of clove essential oil
  • 20 drops of tea tree essential oil

Preparation and application:

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the product on the mold-infested area.
  3. Leave on for 20 minutes for full effect.
  4. If the mold is old, you can additionally rub the area with a brush.

Why it works:

  • Vinegar has an acidic environment that destroys mold spores.
  • Clove essential oil has antifungal properties.
  • Tea tree essential oil prevents mold from reappearing.

Advantages of this method:

  • Effective and safe for humans and animals.
  • Does not harm the environment.
  • Easy to perform.
  • The ingredients are simple.

See also: Mold around the windows and on the ceiling will disappear instantly thanks to a penny remedy you can make yourself

Additional tips:

  • For best results, remove any visible fungus from the surface before applying the product.
  • Ventilate the room thoroughly to prevent the reappearance of mold.
  • In case of severe damage, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

With this simple method, you can get rid of mold in your home safely and effectively.

We've already written about how to get rid of mold permanently.

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