
Aliens with a bright character: features of the Canadian Sphynx breed

Maria Tsikhotska

Aliens with a bright character: features of the Canadian Sphynx breed
These cats are beautiful in their own way and have high intelligence

Sphynxes do not look like traditional fluffy pets. They are completely hairless, which makes their appearance both mysterious and unusual. This feature can cause both admiration and bewilderment. Although cats' hair often causes inconvenience, it is one of the reasons why people love them so much.

At first glance, the Canadian Sphynx appears to be completely naked, but in fact, a fine fluff can be found on some parts of its body. According to breed standards, these cats weigh from 4 to 5 kg, their height is about 30-40 cm, and their average life expectancy is from 12 to 15 years. NGP writes about it.

The presence of even the smallest hairs on the body is considered a deviation from the standard, but a small amount of hair in certain places is allowed. In particular, a light fluff can be on the nose, muzzle, ears, and the sides near the mouth. Sometimes there is a thin layer of hair on the top of the paws or a narrow strip along the spine. In males, hair can also appear on the scrotum. A distinctive feature of this breed is the complete absence of whiskers and eyelashes.

There are no strict standards for the color of sphynxes. Representatives of this breed can have any shades, spots, and patterns. The only unacceptable colors are completely chocolate and pale purple. White coloration sometimes occurs, but usually only in the form of small spots near the navel, nipples, or neck. If there are spots on the cat's body, they usually have a regular shape and can be symmetrical.

One of the unusual features of Canadian Sphynxes is their ability to sweat. Due to the lack of hair, moisture does not evaporate but remains on the surface of the skin, leaving a sticky brown coating. To avoid staining furniture and objects in the house, these cats should be bathed at least once a week. It is important to accustom them to hygienic procedures from early childhood so that they take it easy.

Despite their high level of intelligence, Sphynxes can have difficulty with litter box training. Most often, this problem disappears after the age of six months. It is important to use high-quality litter and special scented products to keep it clean and prevent odors.

The main reason why people choose Canadian Sphynxes is their extreme loyalty to their owners. These cats always strive to be close to their owners, follow them around, and try to take an active part in their lives. They love to observe everything that happens around them and often climb to a height to see better. Sphynxes adore attention and are not afraid of visits to the vet, which makes it much easier to care for them.

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