Get ready for spring harvest: experts name vegetables to plant in February

February is the perfect time to start growing vegetables at home. Even if you don't have your own garden, you can grow vegetables on your windowsill.
Gardening expert Nastia Vasylchyshyna shared four "easiest" vegetables that can be grown at home in February, writes Express.
When to plant tomatoes
Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables grown at home. They do not require much space and can be grown in any bright location.
To grow tomatoes, choose dwarf or small-fruited varieties that take up less space. Before planting the seeds, soak them in water and salt to weed out the low-quality ones. Then soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate to prevent diseases.
Plant the seeds in a pot to a depth of about 1.5 cm. Water the tomatoes regularly to keep the soil from drying out.
When to plant cucumbers
Cucumbers are another popular vegetable that can be grown at home. They also do not require much space and can be grown in any bright location.
For growing cucumbers, choose self-pollinating and early-ripening varieties. Select and process the seeds in the same way as tomato seeds. Plant the seeds in a pot to a depth of about 1.5 cm.
Cucumbers should be watered regularly to keep the soil from drying out. To stimulate growth, trim the tops of the plants regularly.
When to plant radishes
Radish is one of the easiest vegetables to grow at home. It does not require much space and can be grown in any bright location.
To grow radishes, choose a narrow container as wide as a windowsill and 15 to 18 cm high. Soak the seeds in water for 20-30 minutes and plant them in loose, humus-rich soil.
Place the seeds 1 to 1.5 cm deep and about 5 to 7 cm apart. Cover the seeds with soil, water the soil with warm water, and cover the pot with a glass container or plastic wrap until the first sprouts appear.
When to plant hot peppers
Hot peppers are another vegetable that can be grown at home in February. It does not require much space and can be grown in any bright location.
To grow hot peppers, germinate the seeds by placing them on a plate between two layers of damp cotton cloth, gauze or a napkin. They should be kept in a humid environment, so spray them with water several times a day for four to seven days.
After emergence, select the healthiest ones with developed roots and plant them in a pot. Place the seedlings with the root down to a depth of about 0.5 cm and carefully cover them with soil. Water the peppers regularly and provide them with as much light as possible.
These four vegetables are a great way to start growing vegetables at home. They do not require much effort and can be grown even in a small apartment.
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