
Geniuses in the animal world: top cat breeds with the highest intelligence

Maria Tsikhotska

Geniuses in the animal world: top cat breeds with the highest intelligence
The Burmese breed is very intelligent. Source: Wikipedia.

Some cat breeds are smarter than others. According to researchers, their brain structure is similar to that of many intelligent creatures, including humans. However, the intelligence of these furry friends can vary significantly depending on the breed. Find out which ones are on the list of the smartest. Unian writes about it.

1. Abyssinian cat

One of the oldest breeds in the world, the origin of which is still shrouded in mystery. Presumably, it appeared in ancient Egypt or Abyssinia (modern Ethiopia). The Abyssinian cat is extremely inquisitive, has developed detective skills, loves to be the center of attention, and gets along well with people and even dogs.

2. Siamese cat

Originally from Thailand, formerly known as Siam. This breed is not only one of the oldest but also one of the most sociable. Siamese cats are very talkative and inquisitive, but because of this, they can get into funny or unpleasant situations. Their gentleness and emotionality make them wonderful companions.

3. Cornish Rex

The breed is native to the United Kingdom and appeared as a result of a genetic mutation. The Cornish Rex is characterized by curly hair, large ears, and a playful disposition. These cats love physical activity and learn new tricks quickly.

4. Japanese Bobtail

This ancient breed appeared in Japan more than a thousand years ago. The Japanese Bobtail easily remembers commands and even knows how to perform tricks such as fetch and give. It is an affectionate cat that is constantly looking for its owner's attention.

5. Scottish Fold

An expressive breed from Scotland, known for its calm and gentle disposition. These cats love mind games and puzzles, and they often strike funny poses that will not leave any owner indifferent.

6. Savannah

The Savannah is a unique breed that resulted from crossing a domestic cat with an African Serval. These large and active cats are naturally curious and easily learn new skills. They need space to play and plenty of mental stimulation.

7. Tonkinese

A hybrid of Siamese and Burmese breeds. The Tonkin cat loves to play, explore new heights (for example, the refrigerator), and even collect personal collections of objects. It is very inquisitive and loving.

8. Singaporean cat

The smallest breed in the world, originating from Singapore. These playful and intelligent cats love attention, learn tricks quickly, and get along well with other animals. They prefer a calm environment.

See also: Calm and obedient: top cat breeds for home

9. Burmese cat

This breed is the result of crossing a Siamese cat with a kitten from Burma. Burmese cats are very playful, energetic, and easy to train, including fetching. They become attached to their owners and like to be the center of attention.

10. Bengal cat

It was created by crossing a domestic cat and a wild leopard cat. Bengals are known for their athleticism, love of climbing, and jumping. This breed has remarkable training abilities and is very sociable.

In addition to the above-mentioned breeds, the Turkish Angora and Persian cats are also intelligent. A high level of intelligence means that these animals require a lot of attention, toys to stimulate the mind, and constant interaction.

The smartest cats are not only interesting and playful pets, but also real sources of surprises in your life.

Earlier, we told you about the best dog breeds for security.

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