People make these mistakes very often: how to care for your ficus in winter

Ficus is a popular houseplant that does not require any special care. However, for them to grow and develop well in winter, it is important to follow some rules.
Ficus does not need fertilizers in winter. They will be needed only in the active phase of growth, which begins in spring, the website Na Pensii writes.
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Ficuses need enough light. If it is not enough, the stems of the plants will be thin and weak. Ficus can develop only on one side if it does not have full access to all-round light. It is important to avoid direct sunlight on the ficus leaves as it can cause burns.
Ficus does not like temperature changes and drafts. The optimum temperature for their growth is 20-25 degrees Celsius. If the temperature drops to 16 degrees, the ficus can shed its leaves.
The air humidity should also be high. To increase the humidity around the ficus, it can be periodically sprayed with water at room temperature from a spray bottle.
Ficus should be watered regularly, but not excessively. The soil in the pot should be slightly moist, but not wet. In winter, when the air temperature drops, watering should be reduced. If the air temperature does not exceed 16 degrees, then the plant can be watered once every 10 days.
Common mistakes when caring for ficus in winter
- Excessive watering. This can lead to root rot and plant death.
- Insufficient lighting. This can cause the stems of the plant to become thin and weak and the leaves to become small and pale.
- Temperature changes and drafts. This can lead to leaf fall.
We have already written about which plants you can grow in the shade.
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