
For true aesthetes: the top most beautiful cat breeds in the world

Maria Tsikhotska

For true aesthetes: the top most beautiful cat breeds in the world
Researchers measured the ratio of distances between key points of the face - eyes, nose and mouth - to assess whether feline faces conform to the golden ratio

The definition of beauty, not only in humans but also in animals, can be made with the help of the golden ratio, a mathematical ratio used to analyze the harmony of proportions.

Cats.com has published a rating of the most harmonious cat breeds. The researchers measured the ratio of distances between key points of the face - eyes, nose, and mouth - to assess whether cat faces conform to the golden ratio. As a result, three breeds with ideal proportions were identified.

1. Norwegian Forest cat

For true aesthetes: the top most beautiful cat breeds in the world
Norwegian Forest. Source: cats.com

This majestic breed with thick, long hair is considered one of the oldest. Its history dates back to Scandinavia more than 1000 years ago. It is believed that these cats were mentioned in the Norse sagas and accompanied the Vikings.

Norwegian Forest cats are large - their weight can reach 9 kg and their height can be 40 cm.

Buying a representative of this breed will cost $900-1500.

2. Russian Blue

For true aesthetes: the top most beautiful cat breeds in the world
Russian pigeon. Source: cats.com

The first mention of this breed dates back to 1860, when it was brought from Arkhangelsk to Great Britain. Russian Blue cats quickly gained popularity among European nobility, and Catherine II even presented one of the breed's representatives to the British royal family.

These cats are known not only for their beauty but also for their high intelligence-they can learn to open doors, fetch toys, and memorize forbidden places in the house.

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The cost of a kitten of this breed starts at $1000 and can reach $1700.

3. Manx

For true aesthetes: the top most beautiful cat breeds in the world
Manx. Source: cats.com

The Manx is one of the rarest and oldest breeds, originating from the Isle of Man off the coast of England. Known for their taillessness, these cats are considered symbols of good luck.

Despite their compact size, Manx are very playful, sociable, and loyal to their owners. They require a lot of attention and activity, but in return they make excellent companions.

The price of a representative of this breed ranges from $500 to $1500, depending on the color.

Earlier, we talked about the top dog breeds that don't get along with children.

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