
Giving love to everyone: top most positive dog breeds

Maria Tsikhotska

Giving love to everyone: top most positive dog breeds
Giving love to everyone: top most positive dog breeds. Source: Wikipedia.

Every dog breed brings joy and cheer to its owner. The behavior of this animal depends on the training and level of socialization, some are known for their responsiveness from birth.

This is reported by Сountry Living with reference to experts from The Kennel Club.

Labrador Retrievers are versatile dogs with a positive personality that often become guide dogs and therapists due to their sensitivity.

Golden Retrievers are intelligent, sociable dogs that easily get along with both people and other animals.

Cocker Spaniels are energetic and gentle pets with a cheerful disposition, one of the most popular breeds.

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Irish Setters are extremely active dogs, ideal companions for those who like to run and hike.

English Setters are sociable and good-natured, requiring a lot of exercise and space.

Boxers are loyal family dogs with a cheerful disposition despite their confident appearance.

Bichon Frise - small dogs with a big character, very attached to their owners.

Smooth collie are intelligent, energetic dogs that need active owners and long walks.

Earlier, we told you which dog breeds will never wake you up with barking.

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