
What to do with garlic before planting to give a good harvest

Maria Tsikhotska

What to do with garlic before planting to give a good harvest
Garlic should be prepared for planting

Garlic is one of the few crops that can be planted even in cool weather. But first, you need to prepare the cloves to save your future harvest from your worst enemy, the onion fly.

Earlier, we shared a recipe for a solution for soaking seeds. Now we will tell you how to process garlic before planting. Telegraph writes about it.

Preparing garlic for sowing

Before getting into the ground, garlic should be prepared. This will reduce the risk of pest attacks to almost zero. First, divide the head into separate cloves and get rid of the damaged ones – they will not yield a good harvest.

Then immerse the garlic in a special bath. Add 1 partial tbsp of salt to a container of 3 liters of water and mix. Put the cloves in for 2-3 hours. After that, plant them in the ground as soon as possible.

This is a reliable preventive method. Pests will not touch the garlic and you will get a good harvest!

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