What not to cook in aluminum cookware: you can harm your body

Aluminum cookware is one of the most popular types of kitchenware. It is lightweight, durable, and has an affordable price.
However, it is believed that aluminum can be harmful to health. TSN writes about this.
Is aluminum harmful?
In its pure form, aluminum is not toxic. However, it can react with acids contained in some foods. As a result, aluminum salts are formed, which can accumulate in the body and adversely affect health.
What should not be cooked in aluminum cookware?
Foods that cannot be cooked in aluminum cookware include:
- Acidic dishes like borscht, beans in tomato sauce, stewed cabbage, marinades, and sauces based on vinegar and lemon juice.
- Sour-milk products like sour cream, ryazhenka, cottage cheese, and kefir.
- Foods rich in vitamins C and E like fruits, vegetables, herbs.
- Salted fish.
What can be cooked in aluminum cookware?
Aluminum cookware can be used to prepare dishes that do not contain acids or contain them in small quantities. These dishes include:
- Cooked meat, fish, and vegetables.
- Milk cereals.
- Pasta.
- Eggs.
- Dough dishes.
How to use aluminum cookware safely?
To minimize the risk of aluminum salts getting into your body, you should follow these rules:
- Do not cook acidic foods in aluminum cookware.
- Do not store foods containing acids in aluminum cookware.
- Wash aluminum cookware with detergents regularly.
Read also: No chemicals: how to effectively clean dirt and grease from kitchen furniture
An alternative to aluminum cookware
If you are concerned about the possible harmfulness of aluminum, you can use alternative types of kitchen utensils. These types include:
- Stainless steel.
- Enameled cookware.
- Ceramics.
- Cast iron.
These materials do not react with acids and do not release harmful substances into food.
As a reminder, we have already written about how to wash greasy dishes without chemicals.
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