What to eat to increase stamina of your body and protect against colds

1. Eat regularly. Only food provides everything we need for our immune system. Give preference to easily digestible food.
2. Replace 0% fat cottage cheese and fermented milk products with low-fat cottage cheese - 5-9% and fermented milk products - 1.5-2.5% fat. Fat and fat-soluble vitamins protect your lungs. In addition, fermented milk products are probiotics and improve intestinal function.
3. Eat garlic and a small amount of pepper. Allicin, contained in garlic cloves, successfully destroys not only influenza viruses but also other harmful bacteria and fungi.
Capsaicin contained in hot red pepper and piperine of black pepper also have antiviral effects and stimulate the respiratory system therefore in small amounts added to the main dishes during the cold season will be useful. Capsaicin activates blood circulation, improves lymph flow, reduces mucus formation, and dilates the bronchi - it has bronchodilator and mucolytic effects, which are important for facilitating coughing during colds.
4. Do not forget about protein - fish, poultry, eggs, and meat provide the necessary amino acids for the synthesis of immunoglobulins. For example, chicken broth contains many anti-inflammatory and restorative substances that enhance the body's immunity.
5. Be sure to use fruits and frozen berries - a source of ascorbic acid
6. Use vegetables and cereals. Minerals and vitamins contained in them are directly involved in the fight against infection. And fiber actively removes toxic substances from the body.
7. Tea with coriander, cinnamon, and ginger has a whole bunch of useful substances, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as stimulate sweating and facilitate breathing.
These are my favorite natural products that support the immune system. Add yours to this list.
Eat a healthy diet!