Budget renovation: how to refresh your wallpaper with toothpaste

Every housewife knows useful life hacks that can be very practical. We want to share with you two such tips on how to refresh the look of light wallpaper.
This was reported by Ukr.Media.
If you have a room with light wallpaper in your apartment, you know that it gets dirty easily and requires regular cleaning. Toothpaste will help to clean them effectively. Apply it to the contaminated area and wipe it off with the rough side of a sponge designed for washing dishes.
Read also: Proven simple methods to remove old wallpaper quickly
At home, you can refresh not only the wallpaper but also the furniture. You can use iodine to update the look of your furniture. This remedy can restore dark brown wooden furniture. Just dip a cotton swab in iodine and apply it to the scratches. After this procedure, the scratches will become almost invisible.
We have already written about the top 5 mistakes in apartment renovation.
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