Someone to talk to: top cat breeds that love to socialize

Cats use meowing to communicate with people, and each furry pet has a unique voice. Their vocalization is as individual as that of humans: some animals are almost silent, while others can "talk" all the time.
According to Becky Mossor, head of cat training at Basepaws, cats mostly meow to communicate with people, not with each other. Among the variety of breeds, there are particularly talkative representatives, which are often chosen by those who want to have a four-legged companion at home.
The most talkative cat breeds
American Bobtail
This cat not only loves to "talk" but also lends itself easily to training, including walking on a leash. It gets along well with children, making it a great choice for families.
Balinese cat
Slim and graceful, this breed is known for its loud but melodic vocalization. Its voice is softer than that of a Siamese cat, but still very expressive.
Bengal cat
Like its distant relatives, leopards and jaguars, the Bengal cat loves to attract attention. It will call out loudly from the top shelf or even learn to walk on a leash.
Burmese cat
Affectionate and people-oriented, this cat not only loves to receive affection but also actively "talks" to its owner. Its meow is soft but very communicative.
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Despite its exotic appearance, the Ocicat is a true domestic cat that loves company. It has a strong voice and eagerly greets guests, attracting attention with its purr.
This breed is extremely attached to people, choosing a favorite owner. Orientals can purr loudly, and if left alone for a long time, they do not hesitate to express their discontent.
Peterbald (St. Petersburg Sphynx)
The hairless Peterbald is a very social animal that gets along well with other pets. It expresses its emotions through active vocalization.
Siamese cat
This breed is one of the most "talkative". Siamese cats are incredibly sociable and eloquent: they easily entertain not only the owner but also everyone around them.
Friendly and active, the Sphynx does not just love attention - it demands it! Its voice can often be heard, because this cat willingly maintains "conversations" with its owner.
A hybrid of Siamese and Burmese breeds, the Tonkinese cat is notable not only for its high intelligence but also for its emotional vocalization. It quickly remembers people and develops a special attitude toward everyone.
If you dream of a four-legged friend who will not only purr but also "talk" to you, you should pay attention to one of these breeds.
Earlier, experts recommended the best dog breeds for beginners.
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