Can't do without it: how to use different types of pepper correctly

Pepper is not just a spice, but a real legend in the culinary world. These little peas can make wonders, making dishes incredibly flavorful and delicious. Today, we will introduce you to the most popular types of non-cellular peppers and show you how to use them properly. Shuba writes about it.
Black pepper:
- Where it grows: India, Indonesia, countries of Indochina.
- How it is obtained: The green fruits of the Piper nigrum vine are harvested, boiled, and dried in the sun or in a machine.
- How to use: a versatile spice for most savory dishes (with the exception of delicate cream soups and cheese sauces).
Green pepper:
- Where it grows: the same Piper nigrum vine.
- How it is obtained: unripe fruits are dehydrated, often by freeze-drying.
- How to use: milder flavor, ideal for sauces, seafood and white meat.
White pepper:
- Where it grows: Piper nigrum vine.
- How it is obtained: harvest ripe fruits, soak, remove the outer shell.
- How to use: more refined flavor with floral notes, used in delicate sauces, soups, chicken and other dishes.
- Where it grows: Jamaica, Southeast Asia, Indonesia.
- How obtained: the fruits of the evergreen tree are harvested unripe and dried in the sun.
- How to use: marinades, brines, baked meat, chicken, sausages, ham.
- Different types of pepper have different flavors and aromas. Choose the spice that best suits your dish.
- Do not overdo it with the amount of pepper. Even a small pinch can add spice to the dish.
- Store pepper in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
Earlier, we wrote about how to grow peppers without hassle.
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