12 foods you shouldn't eat if you have anxiety or depression

When you're desperate or nervous, your hand reaches for a sweet treat. In fact, this is the worst choice - sugar will not make you feel better for a long time, and after a temporary relief will entail an even worse condition. The same goes for sugary and tonic drinks. The very enemies of your good mood are such products.
1. Fruit juice
The cellulose in the whole fruit rapes the organism and spovilnuyu glucose. Without it, you are just drinking a concoction of sucrose in water, which quickly raises the level of glucose, which drops so quickly. After a glass of juice, you will be hungry and probably even become hungry. It is better to eat a fruit or a few berries. And when you feel sick, drink water.
2. Licorice carbonated drinks
They have zucor, which raises the blood glucose level like fruit juice, but without any other nutrients. Napoї "without zukr", perhaps, do not cause energetic vision, which occurs due to the high consumption of zukr. At the same time, they often contain an excess of caffeine, which also destabilizes the psychoemotional state. If you want a gassy drink, try table mineral water with juice.
3. White bread
White refined flour, from which it is made, after consumption quickly causes an increase in blood sugar. This can cause energy drains and malfunctions, which can lead to anxiety and depression. Choose whole-grain bread.
4. "Light" dressings
Store-bought fat-free dressings often contain aspartame, an additive that is associated with anxiety and depression. Check the ingredients or, better yet, make the salad dressing at home.
5. Ketchup
It is not only tomatoes, but also a lot of sugar: four grams per tablespoon. Try homemade tomato salsa with seasonings.
6. Coffee
Caffeine, if you are not used to it, can cause nervousness and make you sleepy. Giving up on caffeine can also ruin the mood. If you feel bad when you drink kava, cut it out of your diet. If you like it or drink it decaffeinated, it can really help you improve your mood.
7. Energizers
They can cause heart rhythm disturbances, anxiety and sleep problems in vulnerable people. This is mainly due to the ingredient guarana, which can lower caffeine levels. These drinks also often contain a lot of zucr or additives. If you're feeling cramped, favor water. And when you want malt, eat fruit or berries.
8. Alcohol
Lack of rest can cause anxiety and depression. But too much alcohol causes even more problems. If such drinks can help you calm down, drink them sparingly, keeping in mind the limit: one drink per day for women and two per day for men.
9. Marshmallow
It contains zucor and approximately 2 grams of trans fats per serving. Trans fats are also called "partially hydrogenated olives" and are also found in greased foods, pizza batter, pastries, biscuits, biscuits and crackers. It is important to choose fats from such foods as fish, olive oil, mustard and avocado. They are the ones that can color your mood.
10. Sauce
People who suffer from Celiac disease (gluten enteropathy) should exclude from the diet not only bread, lokshina and baked goods, but also gravy sauce, which also contains gluten. Check labels carefully if you have such sensitivity.
11. Processed food products
If you eat a lot of processed meats, greased foods, peeled plastics, candy, pastries and high-fat dairy products, you have a greater chance of becoming anxious and depressed. Only a diet rich in whole-grain fibers, fruits, vegetables and fish will help you cope with mood swings and stabilize psychoemotional state.
12. Doughnuts
Doughnuts can have a positive effect on your mood. It is important to know: doughnuts have all kinds of fats, a lot of added cucumber and boroshno with a small amount of cellulose, which encourages a rise in glucose levels. Ї Eat them in special cases, they are not suitable for everyday consumption.