10 foods that can be consumed after the expiration date

Not all expired foods are unfit for consumption. Some of them can retain their properties for a long time. The packaging of such products usually indicates the date by which they should be consumed, but not the date by which they become unusable.
Radiotrack writes about this.
Before consuming a product that has expired, it must be inspected for signs of spoilage: mold, rot, unpleasant odor, or other changes in appearance.
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Here is a list of foods that can be consumed after the expiration date:
- Potato chips. Due to their high salt content, potato chips last longer than other foods.
- Chocolate. Chocolate has a long shelf life due to its high sugar content.
- Ketchup. Ketchup can be consumed even a year after the expiration date if it is stored in a dry and cool place.
- Yogurts. Yogurts can be stored longer than the specified period. However, they should be inspected for changes in consistency or taste before consumption.
- Hard cheese. Hard cheese rarely spoils. If mold appears on it, you can remove it with a knife.
- Pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk can be stored longer than unpasteurized milk. However, it should be checked for changes in odor or consistency before consumption.
- Eggs. Eggs can be checked for suitability by dropping them in water. If the egg floats, it is spoiled.
- Bread. Bread that is past its expiration date can be used to make croutons or crackers.
- Rice. Rice can be stored for several months after the expiration date if it is stored in a dry, dark and cool place.
- Fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables can be consumed after the expiration date if they show no signs of decay.
As a reminder, we have already written whether you can eat honey on an empty stomach.
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