Family recipe for Georgian chakhokhbili
Family recipe for Georgian chakhokhbili
The main secret of this dish is boneless thigh meat.
✓ Thigh meat
✓ 2 heads of onion
✓ Salt to taste
✓ Basil and cilantro
✓ Chili pepper
✓ 3-4 ripe tomatoes
✓ Spices to taste (suneli hops, for example)
✓ Oil for frying
1. Fry the meat in vegetable oil until golden brown.
2. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the meat. Add salt and fry until soft.
3. Put the meat and onions in a saucepan, add tomatoes, spices, herbs, and chili peppers.
4. Simmer over low heat until the meat is tender and juicy.